Our Programs

We serve children, individuals and families in Clackamas County; SE Portland; East Multnomah County and, increasingly, across the Portland Metro region. Our programs range from early interventions for children and teenagers to community based services, outpatient treatment, recovery homes and intensive residential care.

Outpatient Services

Community Outreach

  • Recovery Support (formerly STAR) engages parents in treatment services and helps them access preventative healthcare support.
  • Home Safe provides up to 12 month rent assistance serving homeless youth between the ages of 16-24 yrs old who have children in their primary care or are pregnant.

Housing Support

  • Alcohol and Drug Housing Assistance Program providing housing-focused financial support for adults engaged in substance misuse treatment services (Clackamas County residents only).
  • Molalla House is our five bed Independent Living Program in Oregon City. This transitional housing program supports youth aging out of foster care who could benefit from ongoing client-centered support. 
  • Recovery Homes provides two home sites with nine units to young mothers in recovery, and their children.

Residential Treatment

  • The Ranch is a long term residential treatment program for adolescent boys with a focus on developing sustainable and prosocial behaviors and skills that help them reach their full potential. The Ranch staff help youth develop life skills, accountability and personal regulation so that they can become contributing members of society.

Cultural Ecology and Trauma Healing Project

This project focuses on restoring the 80 acre location of the Residential Treatment Program to an ecologically and culturally functioning site as a trauma-healing opportunity for the youth, the community and the land.